Monday, January 27, 2020

Just World Belief and Attitude Toward Jirga

Just World Belief and Attitude Toward Jirga Discussion This study was aimed to investigate the Just world belief and attitude toward jirga among university students. Study shows that the positive attitude toward jirga is positively correlated with just world belief. This shows that people with positive attitude toward jirga system also have high level on JWB. This finding is supported by the theory of â€Å"the belief in a Just life: A fundamental delusion† (Lerner, 1980) .theory purposed that a just world is one in which actions and conditions have predictable and appropriate consequences. When people believe that the consequence of every action is appropriate the also trust the decision making by their elders of jirga cause it support there belief that one will only get what her deserve there is no chance of unjust decisions. Another important finding of the study is, that the level of JWB is high among male students in comparison to female students. JWB is defined as the consequences one faces is because of her own work and what that deserve there. Or in other words â€Å"you reap what you sow†. In our society women are consider weaker them men, Men have more resources and opportunities to fight for their right and get what they want according to Lerner (1980) people are motivated to believe that the world is a just place where people get what they deserve. In most cases women are the once who suffers even if the crime is done by the male member of the family i.e Vani . the sample for this study was conducted from the students of Peshawar many of them belong to the ruler areas where the justice system is week or where judicial system is replaced by the Jirga system, in this kind of situation a men in our society have more power to stand for his right and mostly the judgments given by jirga’ s are in favor of men or if someone committed a murder his sis or daughter is offered to the male member of the victims family to settle the score and bring peace between two families. In this scenario the women how become Vani lost her faith on just world or any other women who saw this kind of treatment lost her faith on just world. The injustices’ for women in our society is not just in the areas where jirga’s are the main sources of decision, in areas where Judicial system is available even there it’s very hard for the women to get justices, for exam if a women became a rape victim the family prohibited her to go to the polices because according to them taking this kind of matter out from the house will jeopardize there respect and the status and if even then a women go out and approach the police she face the humility by the male member of police and then if the rapist get caught he get his self out from the jail on a bile like in the case of Mukhtaran BIBI anti terrorism court sentenced 6 men to death for rape but the Lahore high court cited â€Å"insufficient evidence† and Supreme court too acquitted the accused ( the express Tribune, April 22, 2011). This kind of situations make female member of society not to believe on the phenomena like just world belief. These findings are supported by the study conducted by (Hayes, Loren Bell, 2013) on Victim Blaming Others: Rape Myth acceptance and just World Belief, there results indicate that the level of just world belief is higher among men than women. Important finding of the study is female students have negative attitude toward jirga system then male students and over all the attitude of students toward jirga is more negative than positive. Jirga is a form of local council who have all male members in it, most verdicts given by them goes against women even if it was a male member of the family who committed the crime, Like â€Å"VANI† is an example in which if a male member of a family killed or committee a crime to another person or family the female a daughter or a sister or niece of the murderer forcibly married to the male member family of a victim to settle the scores between families the male who committed the crime didn’t get any kind of punishment, there are many expels of this tradition , in district D.I. Khan a three year old girl given to a man of forty five years on the decision of the local Jirga because the uncle of the three years old who kidnapped a girl (Daily Jung , 22 January 2007) , another case a man ran away with the daughter of the neighbor’s and the girls family took the case into local jiga , the jirga decided that the 6 month old daughter of the culprit’s should be married with the 25 years old brother of the runaway girl.( Al-Juzairi, A.R, 1977) and other example of the decisions of the Jirg system is â€Å"honor killing† jirga allow to murder a women if a male member of her family think that she dishonored his family they don’t even need prove to prove that women guilty, and another example is â€Å"honor rape† in which if a male member of a family raped someone jirga ordered that male members of the victims family should rape the female from the family of the person who rapped. The biggest example of the â€Å"honor Rape â€Å" is the case of Mukhatra BIBI, on June, 2002 the 30 years old Mukhtara BIBI was ganged raped on the order of the local jirga , because there was the accusation on his 12 year old brother that he raped an 18 years old girl ( 28th June 2005 , BBC News). According to the HRCP during the time period of one year January 1 2013 to December 31 2013 there are 510 females became victim of the honor killing and 359 victimized by Karo kari. These numbers and incidents clearly show why women have more negative attitude toward Jirga system. the overall attitude slightly inclined toward negative attitude toward jirga system the reason can be because the data was collected from the Universities the education level played important role in changing the view of the people from positive toward negative attitude. The findings of the research show that the view of the people is changing toward jirga system, the level just world belief shows that females of our society are facing injustice. Females are more than 51% of our population to make our nation stronger it is necessary to give security and confidence to a huge part of the population. Limitations and suggestions: The main limitation of the study was the limited resources and the safety conditions of the country which prohibited the researcher to go further in the rural ares and collect data .To measure the attitude toward jirga system conducting the interviews could give more details views and results. The sample was collected from the Gandhara university Peshawer , it can benefited the study if data was also collated from rural areas e KPK and other provinces where jirga system is also very common . The direct interviews from the victimized females can benefited the study by giving the more insight about the psychological condition and the level of JWB among those females. Implications of the Findings: The findings have very important implications, it is shown by the results that females are clear victims of the jirga system and they clearly showed negative attitude toward this system, authorities should take serious steps toward this jirga system which is clearly violating the rights of the women, secondly women shows low level on Just World Belief , which indicates that women who are more 51% of the population are very insecure and victimized by the unjust Law system and biased society if authorities doesn’t take any proper steps to give security and justices to the women then it will make our society more week and vulnerable. References: Daily Jung , Multan , Pakistan . 22-1-2007. Al-Juzairi, A.R . (1977) . Kitabul Fiqah Ala Mazahib elarab, translated by Manzoor Abassi, Publication sector, Aqff dept. Lahore. PAksitan HRCP , KILLINGS (add it in intro) Tirmizi.(Aprial, 22, 2011) ,Mukhtara Mai: story of extraordinary courage. The express Tribune. Anonymous. (21 aprial, 2011), Pakistan : acquittals in Mukhtara Mai gang rape case. BBCNews, south Asia.(add it in intro) Add research : a social custom Vanni intro and critical analysis. (Add it in intro it’s online.) Rape myth acceptance and just world belief , Rebecca m. hayes , Katherine and kirstin A Bell.(find it online add in references and research in literature reviews)

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Needs and Concerns of New France Essay

I am writing to you on the issues and needs of New France. Some of the concerns and needs are, the on going war with the Iroquois, population, and industry in agriculture. The Iroquois are a grand part of concern on our people in New France. Presently there is war going on amongst us and the Iroquois. Our people are afraid to go hunting or fishing. If the people are not able to hunt or fish New France is going to struggle because there will not be enough food to be provided. We will also fall behind in fur trading. Since the people are frightened we can not go on exploring lands as it may be risky because of the Iroquois. The Iroquois do not let us cross their lands, so we can not get to our preferred destination. So being in danger of the Iroquois had its disadvantages such as, being afraid so we are not able to hunt or fish, not exploring further, and not getting to our specifies destination. The population in New France is struggling with men and women. I am trying to motivate our people by giving them rewards for marrying and giving birth early. If they do not they will receive penalties. In New France we are in need of more women. So they can get married and give birth. This will increase New France’s population, and you will not have to bring in more females after that. Also there are not enough residents to occupy Canada and live in it. This is a big issue if France wants to gain power and control over other land. So I suggest that before we get more women I ask if you could send in more people to New France. In addition the population has increased in men rather so then women. This again is a problem. So again our concerns are that we are lacking women, there are not enough people in New France to later expand to a big country Canada, and more men increased then women making the population gender wise unbalanced. New France also has to develop its own agriculture and industries. In New France there is a need for agriculture businesses. In the agriculture businesses we need to organize transportation to carry crops and livestock. This will also make it easier to deliver. Another need for New France is to become fewer dependant on France, in terms of supplies, food, people, and etc. Our growing industries are also beginning to drain out France’s finances. Since we are asking for too much and not giving back enough. We should receive a loan to start of industries or to improve on them to provide us with necessities which after we trade or sell and pay off the loan. So, there is a need for agricultural businesses. New France to become more independent and our industries are beginning to drain out France’s finances. You’re Majesty now that I have stated the concerns and needs for New France which are, the on going war with the Iroquois, population problems, and agriculture and its industries. I hope you will take into account the needs and concerns and hopefully come up with solutions. Thank you for taking your valuable time on this letter.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Succubus Revealed Chapter 14

Seth shot up from the chair, face filled with hurt and fury. It was surreal. For a moment, he looked like a stranger . . . and yet, he also looked like everyone I'd ever known. Everyone I'd loved. Everyone I'd hurt. â€Å"You,† he exclaimed, striding toward me. â€Å"How could you do that to me? How could you do that to me?† I had never heard Seth yell like that. I cringed against my chair, too stunned to react. Meanwhile, Hugh seemed to come to life. He had been as shocked by Seth's initial reaction as me, particularly since Hugh understood even less than I did about what was going on. He was still undoubtedly confused, but some instinct spurred him to action when he saw Seth advance. I didn't think Seth would've hurt me, but he was kind of scary just then. Hugh grabbed a hold of Seth's arm. â€Å"Whoa, whoa,† said Hugh. â€Å"Easy there. Everyone calm down.† Roman likewise seemed to suddenly realize something was wrong here. He'd been so excited by the developments, his face aglow as all his theories fell into place. Now events were moving in a direction he hadn't foreseen. He rose, mirroring Hugh's fighter's stance. Only, Roman was doing it defensively, coming to stand in front of me, in case Seth broke Hugh's hold. That didn't seem very likely. The imp was strong. â€Å"How could you do that to me?† repeated Seth, voice still roaring with fury. â€Å"I trusted you! I trusted you and I loved you!† I had witnessed all of this unfolding but hadn't dared allow myself to really and truly accept it. I had seen the impossible. I had seen Seth relive the lives of men he hadn't known – men he couldn't have known – walking back through the centuries of my long existence. Some voice inside of me kept saying, No, no, this isn't happening. This can't be real. It's some trick of Hell's. I was working hard not to process what I'd heard because processing it meant accepting it. But with those last words, Seth penetrated something inside of my numb self. He broke through, and I snapped. â€Å"I didn't! I didn't do anything to you!† I cried. I had to peer around Roman to meet Seth's eyes and almost wished I hadn't. They were cold. So terribly cold and hurt. â€Å"You cheated on me,† said Seth, straining against Hugh. â€Å"Cheated on me with my best friend. . . .† Yet, even as he spoke, I could see him falter. The feelings he'd felt as Kyriakos were real, but he was examining it now as Seth Mortensen. The mixed realities were confusing him. It was understandable. They confused me. â€Å"Seth,† I said desperately. â€Å"I didn't do that to you. Think about it. I love you. I love you so much.† Seth stopped struggling, though Hugh didn't relinquish his grip. Seth's features were still filled with hurt and confusion. â€Å"Not to me . . . to him. But I am him. I'm all of them.† Seth closed his eyes and took a deep breath. What had been reasonable and clear under hypnosis was becoming more difficult to grasp. â€Å"How? How is that possible?† â€Å"Past lives,† said Roman. â€Å"You're right. You were all of them. You lived all of those lives, long before you were born into this one.† â€Å"Reincarnation? That . . . that's impossible,† said Seth. â€Å"Is it?† asked Roman, regaining some of his confidence now that the situation was no longer escalating. â€Å"How do you know? Do you have a direct line into the way the universe works?† â€Å"So, wait . . . what about you guys?† asked Seth. â€Å"Are Heaven and Hell not real?† â€Å"Oh,† said Hugh wryly, â€Å"they're real.† â€Å"All of it is real,† said Roman. â€Å"And vastly more complex than any faulty human system can understand.† He turned to me, expression softening. I must have looked terrified. â€Å"What Seth saw . . . what he lived through. You knew all of them, didn't you? All of those identities?† I focused on Roman, afraid I'd lose my nerve if I looked at Seth again. I nodded. â€Å"Yes . . . they were all people . . . all men I knew in my life.† Hugh frowned. â€Å"How is that possible? I can get on board with reincarnation. I've seen enough to believe it can happen. But him always being reborn around you? You running into him – what was it, ten times? That's statistically impossible.† â€Å"The things we're dealing with aren't really governed by statistics and probability,† said Roman. â€Å"There are other forces at work here, forces that guide his rebirth. It was part of his contract, the deal you made as Kyriakos. What can you tell us about it?† â€Å"I don't know what you're talking about. . . . I don't remember . . . I . . .† Seth shook his head, the anger returning. â€Å"I don't want to talk about this anymore. Let me go. I need to get out of here. I need to get away from her!† â€Å"Seth . . .† I said. â€Å"But you're the key!† exclaimed Roman. â€Å"The key to unlocking Georgina's problems. You're the other contract, the one Erik was talking about. You're tied to her, tied to everything that's been going on with her.† â€Å"I don't care,† said Seth. He seemed to just barely be able to keep his emotions in check. â€Å"I don't care about your various and sundry plots! Do you have any idea what I just saw? What I just went through? I'm still not even sure I understand any of it! I don't understand who I am! All I know is her – and what she did to me.† â€Å"Seth,† I tried again. Or should I address him as Kyriakos? I didn't know. â€Å"Please . . . I love you. I've always loved you. What happened . . . it was . . . it was an accident. . . .† The look Seth gave me was dark and wary. â€Å"It sure didn't seem like an accident when I walked in on you.† â€Å"I never meant to . . .† â€Å"To rip my heart out?† he cried. â€Å"To destroy my world? My life?† â€Å"Roman,† said Hugh carefully. â€Å"Maybe we should give him some time to process this.† â€Å"We don't have time,† said Roman. â€Å"Hell can move fast – especially if they find out what we know. If we're going to save Georgina – â€Å" â€Å"I don't care!† said Seth again, this time with more vehemence. â€Å"I don't care what happens to any of you, and I certainly don't care about what happens to her. It's probably less than she deserves.† â€Å"She didn't do anything to you,† said Roman. â€Å"She's been a pretty solid girlfriend, from what I've seen.† â€Å"Seth,† I pleaded, knowing Roman wasn't quite getting it yet. â€Å"I . . . I'm sorry. It was a long time ago.† My words were terribly, terribly inadequate, but Seth was tapping into things I'd forced myself to block out – because they were too painful. â€Å"For you, maybe,† said Seth. â€Å"It happened over the course of centuries. One life for you. But for me . . . whatever you guys did with the hypnosis, it's all here now. All of those lives . . . those memories. Here in my head at the same time. It didn't happen ‘a long time ago' for me. It's like it just happened yesterday! All those feelings, all that pain . . .† â€Å"It'll fade,† said Hugh, not sounding as though he was certain. â€Å"What you regressed through is still fresh, and you weren't brought out of the trance properly. Give it time. Or . . . if you want, I can put you back under and make you forget this.† â€Å"And forget her?† demanded Seth. â€Å"So I can forget what a faithless, conniving bitch she's been to me?† â€Å"Seth . . .† I could feel tears forming in my eyes. â€Å"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. If I could take it back, I would.† â€Å"Which part?† he asked. â€Å"The part where you proved our marriage meant nothing to you? Or the countless other times you lied to me and broke my heart? Do you have any idea how I feel? What it feels like to be experiencing all of that at the same time? Maybe you've moved past it all and don't care anymore, but it's real for me!† â€Å"It is for me too. I . . . I love you.† They were the only words I managed to get out, and they still weren't enough. Where was all my usual glib charm? My ability to talk my way out of anything? I was still too choked up on my emotions, still reeling from the fact that looking into Seth's eyes meant looking into the eyes of every man I'd ever loved. I wanted to convince him how sorry I was and explain that having a long life hadn't dulled the feelings inside me. If anything, it had only provided more time for those feelings to sink in and punish me. I wanted to explain to him how I'd felt during that first transgression and how it had been a poor reaction to feelings I didn't know how to process as a scared young woman. I wanted to explain that most of my actions since then, especially the times I'd pushed away other lovers, had been weak attempts at protecting them. There was so much I wanted to say, but I just didn't have the words – or courage – to get any of it out. So, I remained silent, and the tears spilled out of my eyes. Seth took a deep breath, forcing. â€Å"Let me go, Hugh. I won't hurt her. I don't want anything to do with her. I just want to go home. I need to get out of here.† â€Å"Don't,† said Roman. â€Å"We need him. We need more answers, so that we can understand the contracts.† â€Å"Hugh, let him go.† I barely recognized the voice as my own. Roman looked at me incredulously. â€Å"We need him,† he repeated. â€Å"He's done enough,† I said flatly. In my head, Seth's words echoed: I don't want anything to do with her. â€Å"We've done enough to him.† When nobody reacted, I met Hugh's gaze squarely. â€Å"Do it. Let him go.† Hugh glanced between Roman and me and then made a decision. Still keeping hold of Seth's arm, Hugh steered him away from us and walked him to the door. Roman made more protests and took a few steps toward them, but I remained frozen where I was. I didn't look behind me, not even when I heard the door slam. Hugh returned, and Roman slumped back into his chair, sighing with frustration. â€Å"Well,† he said. â€Å"Once he calms down, we'll get him back and talk things out.† â€Å"I don't think he's going to calm down,† I said, staring off at nothing. I don't want anything to do with her. â€Å"He's just in shock,† said Roman. I didn't answer. Roman didn't know. Roman didn't understand the full scope of our history together. He hadn't seen Kyriakos's face after my betrayal, the grief that had been so deep it had nearly driven him to suicide. That was part of why I'd become a succubus, using my soul to purchase peace for him in the form of forgetfulness. It was the only way to save him. But if he remembered everything now, if he really was Kyriakos reborn . . . then, no. He wasn't â€Å"just in shock.† I had done a terrible, terrible thing to him, and his outrage wasn't unfounded. A shiver ran through me as I thought about the instant connection I'd had with Seth, the feeling like I'd always known him. It was because I had always known him. Life after life. I'd always felt like we were bound into something greater than ourselves . . . and we were. Something great and terrible. Hugh dragged up a chair and sat across from me. He caught hold of one of my hands. â€Å"Sweetie, I swear to you, I had no clue any of that would happen.† I gave him a halfhearted squeeze back. â€Å"What . . . what did you think would happen?† Hugh glanced at Roman. â€Å"He asked me if I could hypnotize Seth and attempt some past life regression. I had no idea what it was for. Fuck, I had no idea it would really work, let alone walk us through nine emotionally damaged lives. Ten, since we now seemed to have fucked up this one.† I felt hollow inside, hollow and aching. I turned to Roman, astonished I could manage any sort of reasonable discussion when my world had just been destroyed. â€Å"How did you know it would happen? How did you figure all of this out?† â€Å"I only figured some of it out,† said Roman. â€Å"It was actually your stupid Santa stuff that tipped me off. About how that guy was worried about Santa being in two places at once?† He scoffed and raked a hand through his hair. â€Å"I started thinking about how everyone says your contract is fine and how Erik had mentioned a second contract. We'd already deduced Hell wanted you and Seth apart, but why? And I thought, what if it's like the Santa thing? There's nothing wrong with your contract or Seth's in and of themselves, but together, something goes wrong.† â€Å"How did you even know Seth had a contract?† asked Hugh. â€Å"Well, that's the thing. I didn't. And since Seth had never mentioned it before, it seemed he didn't know he had one either. And how could that be? I started thinking maybe it was because he hadn't made the contract in this life. I thought maybe Hell had a long game going on with him across lives, and hence . . . the hypnosis.† â€Å"Jesus Christ,† said Hugh, shaking his head. â€Å"You made a fuckload of deductions there.† â€Å"And they were right,† said Roman. â€Å"Georgina and Seth both have contracts with Hell. And those contracts don't work together.† â€Å"Why not?† I asked. That zealous gleam was back in Roman's eye. â€Å"What were we able to deduce about Seth's contract? What did he get?† The only thing I'd deduced was that Seth was never going to speak to me again. When I refused to answer, Hugh obligingly played student to Roman's teacher. â€Å"He got ten lives instead of one. The gift of reincarnation.† â€Å"Why?† asked Roman. â€Å"To find Georgina,† said Hugh. He paused, and I guessed he was replaying what Seth had described. â€Å"It sounds like he died in that first life, and when the time came for his soul to move on, he was aware of missing her. I'm guessing Hell wouldn't have gotten his soul then, so they made the deal to give him nine more chances to find Georgina and be reunited with her.† â€Å"He did find me,† I said flatly. â€Å"Over and over.† Betrayal after betrayal. â€Å"Yes,† said Roman. â€Å"And you were drawn to him without even realizing it. He certainly seemed to fit your dreamy artistic type each time. But you never made it work out.† â€Å"Which Hell was probably hoping for,† said Hugh. The imp in him was coming out, puzzling over how a contract like this would have been designed. â€Å"Hell has to be fair, but they always want an advantage. So, they probably went into the deal thinking a guy hoping to make amends with his soul mate could never do it if she was a succubus. Seth – or whoever – certainly didn't know that. He only knew that he was supposed to have forgotten her.† He thought about it a few moments more. â€Å"There's nothing wrong with that, though. That's hedging your bets on a contract. There's no violation.† â€Å"You're right,† said Roman. â€Å"And that's not the problem.† He focused back on me. â€Å"What was your deal? What was your contract for becoming a succubus?† â€Å"You already know it,† I said wearily. I was tired of the scheming and fallout. I want to crawl off, curl up in my bed, and sleep for the next five centuries. I wanted to renegotiate my contract and have my memory and heart purged of all pain. â€Å"Humor me,† he said. â€Å"Just tell me the basics again. The deal Niphon made with you.† â€Å"Roman, leave her alone,† said Hugh. I waved him off. â€Å"Fine. I sold my soul and became a succubus in exchange for everyone I knew as a mortal forgetting about me.† Roman looked so supremely satisfied and triumphant that I wanted to punch him just then. He nodded to Hugh. â€Å"And tell me Seth's again, to the best of your guessing.† â€Å"At a guess? He gets to live ten lives, all of which will put him near her, giving him the chance to find her and make amends with her. Hell gets his soul at the end of the tenth life.† â€Å"And why did Seth make the deal?† prompted Roman, practically trembling with excitement. â€Å"Because he remembered that – † Hugh cut himself off, eyes widening. â€Å"Exactly,† said Roman. He shook me in his excitement when I didn't react right away. â€Å"Don't you get it? Your contracts contradict each other! In fact, Seth's should never have even been written! He remembered you. He knew that you were gone from his life.† â€Å"He knew his ‘soul mate' was gone,† I said bitterly. â€Å"I don't think he remembered specifics. You saw how much trouble he had.† Roman shook his head. â€Å"Doesn't matter. I'm guessing your contract specifies forgetting you entirely. He remembered. By that happening, Hell violated your contract. Then, they wrote an impossible contract for him, claiming he'd have the chance to reunite with you – which again, implies a degree of remembering you.† â€Å"We don't know that exactly,† warned Hugh. â€Å"We haven't seen the contract and didn't get all the details from him. I couldn't follow if he got anything for patching things up with her or not.† â€Å"We know enough,† said Roman. â€Å"Seth wanted to be reunited with her and make amends. For that to happen, it would contradict Georgina's contract – specifying he forget her.† â€Å"I'd want to see the wording,† said Hugh. â€Å"I'm not trying to dash your hopes. I just know how these things work.† â€Å"Fair enough,† said Roman. â€Å"But can you deny that when Seth called her ‘Letha' last month, that was most definitely in violation of her contract? He remembered. Not consciously. But some part of him, deep inside, remembered her.† My thoughts were still moving sluggishly, but something clicked into place. â€Å"The transfer . . . the transfer came through the morning after I told Jerome about Seth calling me Letha.† â€Å"Yes,† said Roman. â€Å"That's why things were mucked up with it. I guarantee my dear father has always known about your contracts and has accepted them grudgingly, especially if Seth's contract allows for you two to keep running into each other. But, when you told the gang about the name, Jerome had a serious problem. He recognized the violation and tattled to his superiors as fast as he could, making them panic and act quickly – too quickly – to get you out of here.† â€Å"But . . . it already happened. Seth remembered. The violation took place,† I said, scarcely able to believe it. â€Å"It's like a tree in the woods,† remarked Hugh. â€Å"It only happens if they're called on it. Neither you nor Seth would have known about the contracts or any violation. You were oblivious. Jerome needed to keep it that way, get you guys apart and kill any chance of you figuring out what had happened.† â€Å"Hence the Vegas dream job,† said Roman. â€Å"It's like we talked about before. Forbidding you guys to be together would've drawn too much attention. A run-of-the-mill transfer, however, would've seemed like business as usual – if not for the screwup. Hell was so anxious to get it going that they sent you the memo before Jerome had a chance to meet with you. I guarantee everything you saw in Vegas was thrown together on a day's notice.† I drew my hand back from Hugh's and buried my face in my palm. â€Å"Oh God.† Roman patted my shoulder in a way that was probably supposed to be comforting but mostly made me grit my teeth. â€Å"God's not the one you've got to look to right now. Do you realize what you've got here, Georgina? A once in a millennium opportunity to thwart Hell! You can challenge them, call your contract into dispute. And Seth's. All you need to do is talk to him, get the exact details of – â€Å" I jumped up from my chair, finally giving way to all my own grief and fury. â€Å"No! Didn't you see his face? Didn't you hear him? He won't talk to me! Not now, not ever. And don't say he's just in shock again,† I warned, seeing Roman about to speak. â€Å"You don't know what I did, what it was like for him . . . back then. There's a reason I made him forget! He's not going to forgive me for this. Never. He didn't then and isn't going to now. Oh Lord. Why did we have to do this? Why did we have to make him remember? We should've just let him forget. . . . Everything was fine. . . .† My frantic pacing led me over to the living room window, where I drew back the curtains. It was late in the day now, the sunset turning the clouds orange. â€Å"Fine?† asked Roman, coming to stand beside me. â€Å"Hell was creating elaborate ploys to separate you and cover their asses! And they were killing his sister-in-law to do it. That is not fine. You and Seth have done nothing but play into Hell's hands all these centuries. Over and over, you find each other and lose each other, you bicker and fight, throw it all away on mistrust and lack of communication. Are you going to let that continue? Especially when they didn't even give you what you were promised?† I rested my cheek against the glass, taking comfort in the coolness, refusing to listen to Roman's logic. â€Å"But Seth didn't remember until we made him.† â€Å"Not true. He remembered before that,† said Roman. â€Å"On his own, when he called you Letha. That's how this all started. Nothing we did here changed that.† â€Å"He hates me,† I said, fully aware of how whiny I sounded. Roman didn't try to deny it. â€Å"People forgive.† I scoffed. â€Å"Do they?† â€Å"They do,† said Hugh, coming to stand on my other side. â€Å"Seth must have – or whomever he used to be. Your husband. Why else would he have made that bargain in the first place to find you?† â€Å"Because he didn't remember what I'd done,† I said. I met Hugh's eyes. â€Å"He only knew that I was missing from his life.† â€Å"You answered your own question, sweetie. His love for you was stronger than his hate, if he was able to remember the one and not the other.† I wanted to argue with that but didn't know how. â€Å"I can't . . . I can't face him. You don't know what this is like. It's . . .† My lifelong fear? My greatest sin? â€Å"I just can't.† â€Å"We need to know about the rest of his contract,† said Roman. â€Å"We need all the details if we're going to see this through.† Hugh sniffed. â€Å"You keep saying ‘we,' but somehow I don't see you being the one filing the paperwork with Hell to challenge her contract.† When Roman didn't answer, Hugh added, â€Å"Which, by my estimate, we don't need any more of Seth's information for. We already have enough to question her contract's integrity.† â€Å"Question its integrity?† exclaimed Roman. â€Å"We have enough evidence to blow it wide open.† There was that metaphor again. Roman loved the dramatic. â€Å"Hell failed to hold up their end of the bargain. They told you they'd make everyone forget. Obviously, they didn't.† â€Å"It may not be quite that simple. Hell will question what you call evidence,† said Hugh. â€Å"But it can be done, right?† asked Roman. â€Å"You know how to do it – to file the necessary paperwork?† â€Å"Well, I've never done it before,† said Hugh. â€Å"Jesus. I don't know anyone who's done it.† I dragged my gaze from the window. â€Å"Don't,† I told Hugh. â€Å"It's not worth it. You don't know anyone who's done it because no imp who values his job or his life would ever try to get a contract revoked. I don't want you doing that for me.† â€Å"Hugh,† said Roman, looking over me like I wasn't even there. â€Å"You could free her. You could get her soul back for her. You could end this life she has – sleeping with strangers for eternity.† â€Å"Stop it,† I snapped. â€Å"Stop trying to guilt him into it. I made this choice. No one tricked me into being a succubus. They told me what it entailed and what I'd get.† â€Å"And you didn't get it,† said Hugh quietly. â€Å"It doesn't matter,† I said. If I didn't have Seth, one form of Hell was as bad as another. â€Å"I would do it for you,† said Hugh. â€Å"I'll file the paperwork. Maybe you knew what you were getting into, but that doesn't mean you don't have the right to change your mind – especially if you were played. If you want it, I'll help you do it.† â€Å"Why?† I asked, recalling all the times Hugh had become uneasy whenever we'd talked of challenging the status quo. â€Å"Why would you risk it?† â€Å"Because you're my friend,† Hugh said, his lips twisting into a bitter half smile. â€Å"And that still means something to me. Besides, give your pal Hugh some credit here. I might be able to pull this off with minimal punishment for myself.† A strange feeling welled within my chest, tight at first and then loosening. This day had become one impossible thing after another. Somehow, hearing Hugh say it made it more real. I was so used to Roman's ideas and dreams for undermining Hell that at times, it was easy to ignore them. But to hear Hugh saying this might actually work . . . I swallowed, feeling more tears were on the way. â€Å"I can't even imagine that. A world where I don't belong to Hell. I don't know what my life would look like.† â€Å"Like anything you want it to,† said Hugh, wrapping me in a hug. Behind me, I heard Roman sigh. â€Å"Well. I'll settle for one contract blowing up in Hell's face. I mean, Seth was already Hell-bound anyways, wasn't he? With or without any of this?† I winced. It was true. Seth's soul – once so bright and shining – had darkened when he cheated on Maddie with me. He'd come to my bed out of love but had still felt guilty over what he'd done. The mark of sin had tainted his soul enough that were he to die right now, Seth would go to Hell. Hugh cleared his throat and let go of me, suddenly looking uncomfortable. â€Å"It's funny you mention that. . . .† â€Å"Why?† I asked. â€Å"I hadn't seen him in a while and nearly didn't notice . . . but today when he was here, his soul . . .† Hugh shook his head. â€Å"I don't know what all he's done, but it's lightened. It's not the spotlight it used to be, but something's changed. Enough of the taint's gone now that I don't think he's marked for Hell anymore.† â€Å"Except, he is because of his contract,† I realized. â€Å"That was the price for all those lives. It doesn't matter how good he is.† I felt my legs grow weak again and had to struggle to stay up. Seth had redeemed himself for his sin. How? Probably through the sacrifices he'd made for his family. He'd given up the things he loved most for them – writing, even me. It was a remarkable feat, something few humans were able to rebound from. Usually, those who were damned stayed damned. But it didn't matter. Seth's soul could shine like a supernova and he would still go to Hell, because it was the same soul he'd had as Kyriakos, the one that had made the bargain to come and find me. â€Å"We don't know for sure,† I said. â€Å"He didn't make it clear if he definitely signed his soul over or if there was a wager, like he'd get to keep it if he made amends with me.† â€Å"Which doesn't really seem like it's going to happen at the moment,† said Roman. â€Å"So either way, he's damned.† â€Å"Unless we can break his contract too,† I said. â€Å"And we need his help for it.† Hugh gave me a sympathetic look. â€Å"Do you want me to try to talk to him?† I had hated myself for what I'd done to Kyriakos all those years ago, hated myself so much that I'd paid the ultimate price to be wiped from his memory. And after seeing the look in Seth's eyes earlier . . . well, honestly, if given the chance, I might very well have asked to be erased again. I couldn't stand seeing that hate, that disappointment in the eyes of someone I'd loved. I'd hurt him. I'd let him down. I wanted to hide and never see him again because if I faced him, I would have to face the failings within myself. That had always been a problem for me, I realized. I hated confrontation – especially when I was the one at fault. I'd continually run away from that my entire life. I forced a weak smile for Hugh, who stood there offering me a cowardly way out. No, I decided. If we were going to get Seth's help, it would be better coming from me. Would he talk to me? I didn't know, but I had to try. For nothing else would I have risked facing that hate and sorrow again . . . but for Seth's soul, I would. â€Å"I'll go to him,† I said.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Working with and leading others - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2176 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Business Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? Executive Summary Rationale The sole purpose for undertaking this assignment is to grasp a better understanding and develop the necessary skills and knowledge needed when working with and leading others. This term paper is structured based on team work and its benefits to the organisation and the individual. The researcher is a Senior Partner at Kerrà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Management Consulting Firm and was hired by City Top Corporation to help them build effective teams and working with it and leading it effectively, thus leading to better performance and success for the organization. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Working with and leading others" essay for you Create order This term paper is about the development of the workforce, ways in which the staff can be motivated to achieve objectives and the value of effective team work to the organisation. Objectives To identify the benefits of team-working at City Top Corporation. To determine how effective the teams are in achieving specific goals. To identify the necessary factors involved in work performance at City Top Corporation. To determine how the staff at C.T.C is motivated to achieve objectives. Methodology 3.1 Assess the benefits of team working for an organization. Effective team working skills are essential at City Top Corporation because a large number of team tasks are given. In order for these tasks to be done effectively team working skills must be present. Team work is being able to work with a group of people in order to achieve a goal. The benefits of team-working at City Top Corporation are: Synergy: This refers to the benefits that can be gained when people work together rather than apart (Campbell Craig, 2005). City Top Corporation benefits from synergy within teams because it promotes a higher level of productivity. Increased employee motivation: Team work is a way of enhancing employee involvement. They typically make jobs more interesting. They help employees meet their social needs. They also create social pressures on slackers to exert in higher levels of effort in order to remain in the teamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s good graces (Robbins, et al., 2003). Expanded job skills: The implementation of teams almost always comes with expanded job training. Through this training, employees build their technical, decision making and interpersonal skills (Robbins, et al., 2003). This enables City Top Corporation to have more skilled workers that can be rotated at any time, thus increasing productivity. Increased employee satisfaction: Employees have a need for affiliation. Working in teams can help them meet this need by increasing worker interactions and creating camaraderie among team members (Robbins, et al., 2003). When the employees at City Top Corporation are satisfied they can be retained as the need to leave will no longer be there. Efficiency growth: Teamwork is an important key to developing efficiency at City Top Corporation. Tasks are finished quickly and with great effectiveness. It helps to reduce workloads and employees get a chance to share their ideas to each other and share responsibilities. 3.2 Demonstrate working in a team as a leader and a member working towards specific goals, dealing with any conflict or difficult situations. According to (Sanborn, 2013) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The greatest leaders are those able to achieve the enviable balance of interacting with their team while still maintaining authority. Simply stated, a great team leader must never forget that he/she is still a team player.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  At City Top Corporation the employees are faced with different situations on a daily basis and these tasks are solved in a team format. In order to successfully achieve a goal the team formation has to be intact. Tuckmanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s stage of group development is used at City Top Corporation as well as Belbinà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Team Role Theory for structure and interaction. The ways in which conflicts are handled will impact greatly on the performance of the team. The four general stages of group development are forming, storming, norming and performin g. This is used to describe the path that most teams follow on their way to high performance. According to (Tudor, 1999) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Forming is where orientation to the task and testing is done; Storming is where emotional response to task demands is done; Norming is where open exchange of relevant interpretation/discussion is done; Performing is where emergence of insight and solutions is done; and adjourning is where appreciation of the importance of groups and individuals takes place.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Some groups, however, hardly ever reach the adjourning stage. Belbin defines a team role as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular wayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  (Belbin, 2009, para 1). There are nine behaviours or team roles present at City Top Corporation, namely: plant, resource locator, co-coordinator, shaper, monitor/evaluator, team worker, implementer, completer/finisher and specialist. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Each team role has its parti cular strengths and allowable weaknesses, and each has an important contribution to make to a team,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  (Belbin, 2009, para 2). According to (Utley, 2011) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“The à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"plantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ team role is symbolized by a light bulb and represents someone who uses creativity and imagination to solve difficult problems. The shaper is symbolized by a whip and represents someone who is driven to overcome obstacles and thrives on challenge and pressure. The other team roles are clearly reflected by their titles.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Dealing with any conflict When a team is formed, disagreement or the need to express oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s differences will arise. Conflict tends to arise from short temper and tight deadlines. Therefore solutions must be made to suppress the numerous conflicts that may arise. When dealing with conflict you should listen to the opinions of others, acknowledge, respond and resolve the remaining differences. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Man aging conflict is one of the toughest yet most rewarding skills to acquire and it is a skill that does not come naturally,à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  (DeJanasz Schneider, 2001). 3.3 Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving their goals. The teams formed at City Top Corporation are not as effective as they should be in achieving goals. They need to have diversity of knowledge and experience so that they can overcome whatever challenges they face. The teams at City Top Corporation need to utilize the ethical code of behaviour when working with their group members. They should respect each other and try to eliminate conflict as best as possible. The goals that are set within the teams are always achieved but with continuous use o Belbinà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Team role model the team can be much more effective. Therefore eliminating all the negative things that affect the team, tasks can be done quickly and effectively. 4.1 Explain the factors involved in planning the monitoring a nd assessment of work performance. In order to monitor and assess the work performance of the employees at City Top Corporation several strategies have to be put in place. These strategies include performance assessment and surveying clients and customers. Performance assessment This is said to be the process by which the employeeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s performance at work is examined and evaluated. This assessment allows the managers at City Top Corporation to evaluate measure and assess the efficiency of their employees. This enables them to improve and optimize productivity as the factors affecting their performances will be highlighted and eliminated. Surveying clients and customers This is also used to measure employeeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s performance at City Top Corporation. This is mainly done when the manager wants to assess the performance of the employees in regards to their customer service skills. City Top Corporation makes a customer satisfaction survey that en quires about their service as a method of measuring the employeesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ performance. Several factors involved in planning the monitoring and assessment of work performance are: Effective goal setting: The goals set should be challenging but achievable. The manager of City Top Corporation has to track the progress of the goal against how well the goal is achieved. After the work performance is monitored and assessed the employee should be rewarded for their accomplishment. This increases productivity, job satisfaction and employee retention. Employee appraisals: This helps to identify the current skills of the employees and the skills that need to be worked on. Communicate and clearly defining tasks and goals. 4.2 Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals Every individual will have the need to further develop their knowledge and skills. In identifying the development needs of the employees at City Top Corporation their learning styles have to be known, they should also part-take in individual learning that will encourage lifelong learning. Some of the development needs of the individuals at City Top Corporation includes: customer service skills, decision making skills, interpersonal skills, etc. In order to plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals, several procedures have to be put in place. Set Effective Goals: The goals set at City Top Corporation should be aimed at the employees developing a new skill. For example: Do a marketing research on the number of persons that prefer our services to that of our competitors and present your finding at a meeting. Communication: Ensure that the task given was clear and that the employees know what the expected result should be. Based on the previous example, if the task is communicated effectively and done correctly the employee could develop research skills and presentation skills. Support: The manager should provide the employees with the necessary resources to complete the marketing research given. Performance assessment: Suitable tools should be used to assess the progress of the marketing research. Documentation: Be sure to document the process and results of the assessment that was done. Feedback: Discuss the findings with the employees involved, identifying the strengths and weaknesses found. Ask about the challenges faced and suggest strategies for improvement. Training: Train the staff based on the skill that was needed to carry out the task so as to meet their development need. 4.3 Evaluate the success of the assessment process. After training the employees with the new skill set, the manager needs to evaluate the assessment of the training process. The result of the training must be evaluated in regards to the job performance or productivity. There were several pros and cons of the assessment process carried out, however it was relatively effective. There was an increase in productivity and communication within the organization and the employees became a little more satisfied with their jobs as they have now become more equip in a particular field. The performance of the employees was also improved because they have a better understanding of the task that should be done. However, if the goals of the individuals are not aligned with the business strategy, time and resources can and will be wasted. 4.4 Explain ways to motivate staff to achieve objectives. Motivation can be defined in a number of ways. The most known meaning is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"so mething that drives us to do what we do.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ According to (Daft, 2008) motivation can be defined as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“the forces either internal or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Staff can be motivated to achieve objectives in more ways than one. City Top Corporation use various types of motivational approaches/ theories to motivate their employees. These include Abraham Maslowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s hierarchy of needs and Frederick Herzbergà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s two-factor theory. Maslowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s hierarchy of needs This suggests that people are motivated by five sets of needs in ascending order of importance. These motivators are physiological, safety, social, esteem and self actualization needs. People are motivated by the lowest sets of needs that remain unfulfilled. As needs at one level are satisfied, people try to satisfy needs at the next level (Pride, et al., 2014). City To p Corporation uses this theory to motivate staff by ging them reasonable pay which satisfy their physical needs. The employees are all treated with respect and this allows them to satisfy the social need. Herzbergà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Two Factor theory Based on (Pride, et al., 2014) this theory states that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are influenced by two distinct set of factors. Motivational factors including recognition and responsibility and hygiene factors including pay and working conditions.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  City Top Corporation uses this to motivate their staff to achieve objectives by recognizing their success in the completion of a task as well as delegating responsibilities to them. C.T.C also ensures that the working conditions and pay given are suitable. Conclusion Recommendation References Belbin, M., 2009. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 17 March 2015]. Campbell, D. Craig, T., 2005. Organ isations and the Business Environment. 2nd ed. Burlington : Elsevier Butteworth-Heinemann. Daft, L., 2008. The Leadership Experience. 4th ed. USA: Thomson South- Western. DeJanasz, D. Schneider, 2001. In: Conflict: Sources and Solutions in Interpersonal skills in the organization. s.l.:The McGraw-Hill Companies, pp. 241-256. Pride, W., Hughes, R. J. Kapoor, J. P., 2014. Business. 12th ed. USA: South Western-Cengage. Pride, W. M., Hughes, R. J. Kapoor, J. R., 2014. Business. 10th ed. USA: South Western Cengage Learning. Robbins, S., Odendaal, A. Roodt, G., 2003. Organisational Behaviour: Global and Southern African Perspectives. 1st ed. Capetown: Pearson Education South Africa . Sanborn, M., 2013. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 March 2015]. Tudor, K., 1999. Professional Skills for Counsellors: Group Counselling. London: Sage Publications Ltd.. Utley, R., 2011. Theory and Researc h for Academic Nurse Educators: Application to Practice. USA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.